Liqueur Cappelletti Aperitivo il Specialino 17° 750 ml
Liqueur Cappelletti Aperitivo il Specialino 17° 750 ml
Aperitivo is produced by the 4th generation of the Cappelletti family in the Alto Adige region of Italy. It is probably the oldest type of red bitters, as it is based on aromatised wine rather than alcohol, and its bright red colour is still due to the natural dye carmine. The base is white wine (Pinot Bianco, Garganega and Trebbiano), complemented by a secret infusion of a combination of Alpine herbs and spices. The aperitif is lively and bright, spicy, bitter but easy to sip, with a lingering aftertaste. There are notes of orange and various herbs that harmonise with each other. It is an excellent ingredient in cocktails. It can be added to sparkling wine or seltzer for a great spritzer, and is also perfect for a drier and less sweet version of the Negroni, Boulevardier, Bicyclette or Americano. Like Aperol, but less sweet. Can also be used with white wine, soda water and a slice of citrus. Alc. 17%. 750ml. From Trentino, Italy.
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